Django Advance

Set Up and Activate Virtual Environment (Highly Recommended) πŸ› οΈβœ…

python -m venv .


Step 1 πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Install Dependencies

Make sure you have Trustauthx SDK installed. You can install it using pip:

pip install trustauthx

Step 2 πŸš€ Configure Trustauthx with Django

In your Django project, create a file named to handle authentication and token management. Replace the placeholder values in the code with your actual Trustauthx credentials.

# myapp/
from django.shortcuts import render, redirect
from django.http import JsonResponse
from trustauthx.authlite import AuthLiteClient
from dotenv import load_dotenv
from django.conf import settings
import os
auth_lite_client = AuthLiteClient(

Step 3 🌐 Define Authentication Functions

Implement functions to handle authentication and token management in your file.

1. get_auth_info(request)

def get_auth_info(request):
    access_token = request.session.get("access_token")
    refresh_token = request.session.get("refresh_token")
        auth_result = auth_lite_client.validate_token_set(access_token=access_token, refresh_token=refresh_token)
        if not auth_result.state:
            request.session["access_token"] = auth_result.access
            request.session["refresh_token"] = auth_result.refresh
            result_msg = "Token Regenerated, Refresh Token Valid"
            result_msg = "Access Token Valid"
        return result_msg
    except Exception as e:
        return redirect(auth_lite_client.generate_url())

Purpose: This function checks the validity of the access and refresh tokens stored in the session. If the tokens are valid, it returns a message indicating that the access token is valid. If the access token is not valid, it regenerates the tokens using the Trustauthx SDK and updates the session with the new tokens.

2. root(request)

def root(request):
    return redirect(auth_lite_client.generate_url())

Purpose: This function redirects the user to the Trustauthx authentication page by generating the authentication URL using auth_lite_client.generate_url().

3. get_user(request)

def get_user(request):
    auth_code = request.GET.get('code')
        user_data = auth_lite_client.get_user(auth_code)
        request.session["access_token"] = user_data['access_token']
        request.session["refresh_token"] = user_data['refresh_token']
        return JsonResponse({"user": user_data})
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"error": "Bad Request"}, status=400)

Purpose: This function retrieves user data from Trustauthx using the authorization code obtained from the authentication process. It updates the session with the obtained access and refresh tokens and returns the user data in a JSON response. If an error occurs, it returns a JSON response with a 400 status code.

4. update_user(request)

def update_user(request):
        access_token = request.session.get("access_token")
        return redirect(auth_lite_client.generate_edit_user_url(access_token, url=settings.BASE_URL + "/re-auth"))
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({"error": "Bad Request"}, status=400)

Purpose: This function generates a URL for updating user information using the Trustauthx SDK (generate_edit_user_url). It redirects the user to this URL. If an error occurs, it returns a JSON response with a 400 status code.

5. re_auth(request)

def re_auth(request):
    auth_code = request.GET.get('code')
        user_data = auth_lite_client.re_auth(auth_code)
        request.session["access_token"] = user_data['access_token']
        request.session["refresh_token"] = user_data['refresh_token']
        return JsonResponse({"user": user_data})
    except Exception as e:
        return redirect(settings.BASE_URL + "/validate-token")

Purpose: This function performs a re-authentication process using the provided authorization code. It updates the session with the new access and refresh tokens obtained from the re-authentication process. It returns the user data in a JSON response. If an error occurs, it redirects the user to the token validation endpoint.

6. validate_access_token(request)

def validate_access_token(request):
    token_validator = get_auth_info(request)
    return JsonResponse({"result": token_validator})

Purpose: This function validates the access token and returns the validation result in a JSON response. It utilizes the get_auth_info function to get the authentication information.

7. revoke_tokens(request)

def revoke_tokens(request):
        return auth_lite_client.revoke_token(AccessToken=request.session.get("access_token"), revoke_all_tokens=True)
    except Exception as e:
        return redirect(auth_lite_client.generate_url())

Purpose: This function revokes all tokens associated with the user's session. It uses the Trustauthx SDK's revoke_token method with the revoke_all_tokens parameter set to True. If an error occurs, it redirects the user to the Trustauthx authentication page.

8. revoke_access_tokens(request)

def revoke_access_tokens(request):
        return auth_lite_client.revoke_token(AccessToken=request.session.get("access_token"))
    except Exception as e:
        return redirect(auth_lite_client.generate_url())

Purpose: This function revokes only the access token associated with the user's session. It uses the Trustauthx SDK's revoke_token method. If an error occurs, it redirects the user to the Trustauthx authentication page.

9. invalidate_all_tokens(request)

def invalidate_all_tokens(request):
    result = revoke_tokens(request)
    return redirect(settings.BASE_URL + "/validate-token")

Purpose: This function invalidates all tokens by calling the revoke_tokens function and then redirects the user to the token validation endpoint.

10. invalidate_access_token(request)

def invalidate_access_token(request):
    result = revoke_access_tokens(request)
    return JsonResponse({"result": "Revoked access token"})

Purpose: This function invalidates only the access token by calling the revoke_access_tokens function and returns a JSON response indicating that the access token has been revoked.

These functions collectively handle the authentication flow, token management, and user interactions in a Django application integrated with Trustauthx.

Step 4 πŸš€ Integrate with Django Views and URLs

Integrate the functions in your Django views and URLs.

In your Django views and URLs, integrate the functions from

from django.urls import path
from .authx import *
urlpatterns = [
    path('', root),
    path('get-user/', get_user),
    path('update-user/', update_user),
    path('re-auth/', re_auth),
    path('validate-token/', validate_access_token),
    path('invalidate-all-tokens/', invalidate_all_tokens),
    path('invalidate-access-token/', invalidate_access_token),

Step 5 πŸš€ Run Your Django Application

Finally, run your Django application, and you've successfully integrated the Trustauthx SDK for authentication and token management in your Django project. Your application is now secured with TrustauthxπŸš€.

Please ensure that you've replaced the placeholder values in the Trustauthx SDK configuration with your actual credentials before running your Django application.