
Step 1: Create a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Project 📝

Before you can register an application, you need to have a Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project. If you don't have one, you can create it at the Google Cloud Console.

Step 2: Enable the Google OAuth2.0 API 🚀

Navigate to the Library section in the Google Cloud Console. Here, search for OAuth2.0 and enable it for your project.

Step 3: Create OAuth2.0 Client ID 🆕

Navigate to the Credentials section and click on Create Credentials. Select OAuth client ID from the dropdown.

Step 4: Configure Your OAuth Consent Screen ⚙️

You'll need to configure your OAuth consent screen:

  • Application name: This is the name users will see.
  • User support email: The email displayed on the consent screen.
  • Authorized domains: Your application's domain.
  • Application Homepage link: The home page of your app.

After filling in these details, click on the Save button.

Step 5: Get Your Client ID and Client Secret 🔑

After your OAuth client ID is created, Google will provide you with a Client ID and Client Secret. Make sure to note these down as they will be used in your application's code.

Step 6: Set Authorized Redirect URIs 🌐

In the same OAuth client ID page, set your Authorized redirect URIs. This is the URI where users will be redirected after they authenticate with Google.